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Where and What Plants to Style your House

Updated: Jul 15, 2023

Okay, you want to add houseplants, but the question is where, and what?

See houseplants are sort of funny in this sense, because they like to tell YOU where they don’t want to be, by yellowing or leaf dropping, but with some help, you should have a good place to start with confidence.

Our suggestion is to add green in every room, this should be possible as long as there is a window, no window, no plant, go faux.

Choose plants based on the type of sun exposure each room gets. For general reference, there are four kinds of exposure: bright, direct light (full sun); bright, indirect light (partial shade); medium, indirect light; and low, indirect light.

Now, let’s walk through the house!


I feel like entryways are the number one spot in the house where decorative pieces are just picked out to fill the space, dust collectors, but a great big plant will help fill in some space, serve a purpose, and will feel inviting for your family and friends. If your entryway is anything like mine, it gets no direct sun, and that’s ok, there are plants for that.

Recommended Plants and Care

Philodendron - Medium to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Rubber Tree - Medium to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Snake Plant - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Living room

The space you spend the majority of your time together, and possibly the most amount of room to work with, so go with a big statement-piece plant. You can bring color and height to a space with plants.

Recommended Plants and Care

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree - Bright indirect light, water when dry.

Tineke or Burgundy Rubber Tree - Medium to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Bird of Paradise - Moderate to Bright indirect light, water when dry.


With easy access to water, the kitchen is a prime spot for water and humidity-loving plants, or if you love fresh herbs for cooking, style some of your most popular herbs in a long rectangular planter on the windowsill.

Recommended Plants and Care

Ferns - Medium to bright indirect light, keep soil damp, about once a week.

Calathea or Prayer Plant - Medium to bright indirect light, keep soil damp, about once a week.

Herbs - Medium to bright indirect light, keep soil damp, about once a week.

Dining room

Think about what you look for in a restaurant, you’re normally looking for a vibe, make it a vibe and add something big! Dining rooms are the second most gathered spots in your house.

Recommended Plants and Care

ZZ Plant - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Snake Plant - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Rubber Tree - Medium to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Pothos - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.


Your bedroom is like a sanctuary. It’s where you recharge and destress. Studies show your mood is boosted by being around plants so why not start your day with them in your bedroom?

Recommended Plants and Care

ZZ Plant - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Snake Plant - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Pothos - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.


Just like in the kitchen, find all your water and humidity-loving plants.

Recommended Plants and Care

Ferns - Medium to bright indirect light, keep the soil damp, about once a week.

Calathea or Prayer Plant - Moderate to bright indirect light, keep the soil damp, about once a week.

Air Plants - Medium to bright indirect light, water every 2 weeks.

Kids room

It’s never too early to introduce plants to children, Get them involved, but make it simple. Also, know spills are bound to happen so pick your plant wisely and age-appropriate.

Recommended Plants and Care

Snake plants - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Hanging Pothos or Philodendron - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Air Plants - Medium to bright indirect light, water every 2 weeks.


A lot more people are working from home these days. Use this flexibility to create a space that’s inviting and will motivate you the most. Create less sterile office vibes by adding plants. Plants are even known to help boost productivity! Offset the books on your bookshelf with something trailing plant, or a larger piece in the corner of the room.

Recommended Plants and Care

ZZ Plant - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Snake Plant - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Pothos - Low to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Tineke or Burgundy Rubber Tree - Moderate to bright indirect light, water when dry.

Bird of Paradise - Moderate to Bright indirect light, water when dry. Filling ready to add some green? We would be happy to help, send us a message here! Find our plant shop at the Waterfront Market at Ruston in Tacoma, WA.

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